We understand that this conversation can be hard – but the best time
to have this conversation is now. Unsure where to begin? We can help:
The Conversation Project is a national grass roots movement that has partnered
with the Institute for Healthcare Improvement to improve end- of-life
care for Americans. Visit
www.theconversationproject.org for more information.
Now that you’ve talked about what you want, it’s time to pick
someone to speak for you if you can’t. Your healthcare agent should
be someone you trust who understands your goals, values and beliefs.
Coalition for Compassionate Care of California
Coalition for Compassionate Care of California promotes high quality compassionate
care for everyone who is seriously ill or nearing the end of life. Visit
www.coalitionccc.org for more information
Do it now. It’s easy to put this off, but completing your advance
directive early ensures that your wishes will be honored.
An advance directive is a document that an individual completes in advance
that indicates what kind of care they would want if they were to be in
an accident or become seriously ill. People of all ages unexpectedly become
ill and are involved in accidents. An advance directive allows someone
to name a decision maker in the event that they can’t speak for
themselves. An advance directive ensures that your care provider knows
what kind of care you want and who can make decisions for you.
Our team is available to assist patients and families in completing an
advance directive.
Go to
step 4. COMPLETE section to choose from your state to view language options and download
an advance directive