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Advance Care Planning


If you were in an accident or became seriously ill, would your family and friends know what care and treatment you’d prefer? Would they know what you wouldn’t want? Advance care planning gives you a chance to express what’s important to you. It helps you, your loved ones and your healthcare teams plan for the future.

The first step in the advance care planning process is to think about the care you would want. It’s not always easy to think about being very sick or nearing the end of your life. We’re here to help.

Looking to get started? Try thinking about these things:

  • How have others been cared for at the end of their lives? Were the care experiences positive or negative?
  • What would you want your family and care providers to do differently for you? What would you want them to do the same?
  • Think about your values. What makes life meaningful to you? Is it important for you to be completely independent? Live at home? Or would you be content being able to sit up in a chair?

Are you unsure of what type of medical procedures you would want? Explore the Coaltion for Compassionate Care of California

Form: Values Worksheet for End of Life Decision

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Visit resource center page for more THINK tools.

Video: Advance Care Planning

Dr. Douglas Wilson specializes in family medicine, hospice and palliative care at Queen of the Valley Medical Center.

For more information about palliative care offered at Queen of the Valley Medical Center, please click here.