Early pregnancy loss
May 27, 2021
Sean Collins, Veronika Zantop, MD, & Lexie Fleming
As many as a quarter of known pregnancies end in miscarriage. But that doesn't make it easy to talk about. On today's program, we explore early pregnancy loss, the way individuals often cope with the trauma alone, silently, and how the loss can persist for years -- sometimes, even a lifetime.
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Episode Notes
Veronika Zantop, M.D.
Medical Director
Swedish Center for Perinatal Support and Bonding
Medical Director
Reproductive Mental Health at Swedish
Seattle, Wash.
Alexandra Fleming, MSW, LICSW
Swedish Center for Perinatal Support and Bonding
Nurturing Wisdom Therapy
Seattle, Wash.
We are collecting stories of pregnancy loss as part of the ongoing Hear Me Now oral history project. On today's podcast, we listen to four women who describe their experiences of early pregnancy losses. Side-by-side with this episode of the podcast we're also publishing extended versions of their stories for you to explore in more detail.
Danielle Jenkins and Marie Balance have been friends since they were 13. Danielle describes how she found out she was miscarrying. (47:46)
Angela and Eric Hodge are a married couple whose first pregnancy ended in miscarriage. (25:11)
Samantha Edwards and Scott Acord – Sam shares her story with Hear Me Now producer Scott Acord and describes the loss of a perceived future for her child. (44:13)
Lauren Sawson and Sara Epstein are sisters-in-law. Lauren talks about her decision to have a dilation and curet
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