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Patients and Caregiver Stories

Fields of Compassion

In recent years our planet has increasingly been strained by destructive fires, floods, earthquakes, poverty and famine. This has led to millions of people fleeing their homes to escape conditions incompatible with life, including war, bloodshed and torture. In unprecedented ways, the ravages and devastation of Mother Earth is signaling the utmost danger that our ecology is in serious trouble. The current pandemic gives rise to an undeniable reality that no one is immune and no one can turn a blind eye.

This universal crisis has created a new awareness and the potential for living in a new way. In Judy Cannato’s book, “Field of Compassion” she acknowledges the call and challenge of transformational change, which is rarely ever top down but rather comes from the inside out. As humans we have a natural tendency to search for answers outside of ourselves. Yet all spiritual traditions point the way home, or as the Greek word “Metanoia” connotes, a turning around, to see differently, as old perceptions fall away that no longer serve.

Conscious awareness and the recognition that all of life is interconnected is crucial to our understanding. The magnitude of world problems, can render us with a sense of powerlessness to make a difference. Yet, Cannato offers this insight, “noticed or not, every conscious act that gives witness to new possibilities and greater awareness contributes to the transformation of the whole. There is no insignificant thought, word or action.”

Increasingly I am aware that our thoughts, words and actions have a much greater impact than I ever could have imagined. We raise or lower the energy of others through our presence. Perhaps our greatest contribution in this life is to become intentional and steadfast in choosing kindness with a wholehearted desire to ease the suffering of others, as well as our own. This naturally leads to an environment of healing within a field of energy that inspires and captivates the hearts and minds of others to respond to the invitation and join in. We see this happening across the planet as people and companies join in to help generate protective equipment for medical personnel as well as people offering random acts of kindness.

This sheltering in that the world is experiencing is a great metaphor for the spiritual meaning of coming home. Throughout communities, nations and the world people are responding to this universal field of compassion. Together we are finding new pathways to connect on a deeply meaningful level in both ordinary and extraordinary ways, as we help heal each other and our hurting world through our every thought, word and action.

In the closing chapter of a Bold and Humble love The Sisters of St Joseph encourage, “God invites us to be present in the here and now, and as we are attentive to the movement we also step faithfully into an unknown future…In sharing God’s unconditional love and fidelity, we dedicate ourselves in all of our works to creative collaboration with others, as we seek to tear down walls that divided and build bridges that unite.”

I would like to share these words from the Sisters of Providence found in the Hopes and Aspirations document; “We have no fixed blueprint for how to express the role and responsibilities of Providence Ministries other than by reading the signs of the time, trusting in Providence, and embracing our call to follow Christ. You will be challenged as well to respond to those who call out for our care and the hard choices that will be there when our resources are constrained. However, as St. Vincent DePaul commended to us, “Love is inventive to infinity.” Compelled by God’s providential love, you will be invited to do more than you ever believed possible because of God’s goodness and love of all.”

I feel exceedingly blessed to bear witness to the extraordinary efforts and teamwork that is unfolding throughout Providence. Thank you for contributing in significant ways to this expanding the field of compassion throughout our communities.